Get Down Swing

Right Side Pass with Hand Change


You will probably be asking "why teach the Right Side Pass with Hand Change before teaching the Right Side Pass itself?" The reason is that it just falls into place very easily and the students have no trouble going straight into it from an Underarm Pass with Hand Change directly into the Right Side Pass with Hand Change. It would take much more class time to teach the Right Side Pass first.

The Sling Shot Lead will also be introduced here. The Slingshot Lead can be done from the man's either 2nd or 4th Foot Positions. I prefer the 2nd Foot Position, so that is what will be taught here.


Sling Shot Lead in 2nd Foot Position
The man has his Right Shoulder facing the woman, at right angles (90 degrees) to each other with the man in 1st or 3rd Foot Position. On beat 1 the man steps Left into 2nd Foot Position leading the woman down the Slot. The man's steps on counts [1 2] is actually a Rock Step in 2nd Foot Position [side place].

Sling Shot Lead in 4th Foot Position
The man has his Back facing the woman, in Shadow Position with the Woman. On count "1" the man steps Forward into 4th Foot Position leading the woman down the Slot. The man's steps on counts [1 2] is actually a Rock Step in 4th Foot Position [forward place].


Rhythm Unit Cards: Double, Triple, Syncopated Single.

E X E R C I S E (Right Side Pass with Hand Change) - Music

The man will lead the woman into an Right Side Pass and place her Right Hand into his Left Hand on about count 3.


Frame: Sling Shot Lead (Rh)  in 2nd Foot Position.
M: Perpendicular to Slot - Rt shoulder facing lady.
W: Facing Man


            1     2       3  &  4       5  &  6	
        [   X     X] [    X  X  X] [    /  X  /]
M:Foot      L     R       L  R  L       R  R  L

M:Dir       S     P       T  T  T       kf b  sl   <-- sl = slap  
M:F-Pos     2     2       1  1  1       4  4  4
M:Turn                    >.......1/4 Lt>

M: Changes from Rh Lead to Lh Lead on about beat 3.

W:Foot      R     L       R  L  R       L  L  R
W:Dir       F     F       s  X  S       kf b  sl
W:F-Pos     4     4       2  X  2       4  4  4
W:Turn            >.1/4 Lt>     >.1/4 Lt>

Verbal: [step step] [step three times] [kick step slap]

Verbal: [1 2] [3 & 4] [5 & 6]


Sling Shot Procedure
Man leads through his CPB to her CPB
Everyone says verbals out loud.