Get Down Swing

Right Side Pass

You can teach the Right Side Pass now or later. After teaching the Right Side Pass with Hand Change this is almost a no-brainer and will come naturally. You can save some class time and get on to the next step pattern by saving this for later.



Rhythm Unit Cards: Double, Triple, Syncopated Single.

E X E R C I S E - Music

(Right Side Pass with Sling Shot Lead in 2nd Foot Position)


Frame: Sling Shot Lead (Rh)  in 2nd Foot Position.
M: Perpendicular to Slot - Rt shoulder facing lady.
W: Facing Man


Count:      1  &  2       3  &  4       5  &  6	
        [   X     X] [    X  X  X] [    /  X  /]
M:Foot      L     R       L  R  L       R  R  L
M:Dir       S     P       T  T  T       kf b  sl  <-- sl = slap
M:F-Pos     2     2       3  3  3       4  4  4
M:Turn                    >.......1/2 Lt>          *Special Note: or 1/4 Lt

W:Foot      R     L       R  L  R       L  L  R
W:Dir       F     F       s  X  S       kf b  sl
W:F-Pos     4     4       2  X  2       4  4  4
W:Turn            >.1/4 Lt>     >.1/4 Lt>


[1 2] [3 & 4] [5 & 6]

*Special Note: This could be a 1/4 Lt (CC) if the next pattern was going to be an Underarm Pass with a Hand Change


Sling Shot Procedure
Man leads through his CPB to her CPB