Get Down Swing Swing

Left Side Pass


This lesson gives the student their first experience at using a Double Rhythm Unit followed by two Triple Rhythm Units. It also introduces the students to verbal counts for 6 beat patterns, including an alternate verbal.

It introduces the women to the [side cross side] on counts [3 & 4] that will be used with many other types of passes in Get Down Swing. It introduces the woman to the concept of an Anchor. It also introduces the concept of the Slot.

The concepts of Absolute Patterns and Adjusted Patterns should have been learned by the students in other prior dance classes. An Absolute Pattern is a pattern danced alone. An Adjusted Pattern is a pattern danced with a Partner.


Is the final Rhythm Unit of any step pattern.
[back fwd] .... or [rock step] - The "Rock" is onto the "Ball of the Foot". The CPB does not go all the way back over the foot on beat 1.
Slot & Rails
In slotted dances, the slot can be thought of as a narrow path between two imaginary rails.
The woman's path of travel is in the Slot. Her direction is directly through the man.
The man moves to the rails on either side of the slot to allow the woman to pass.


Rhythm Unit Cards: Double, Triple, Syncopated Single.

E X E R C I S E (Left Side Pass) - Absolute Pattern - No Music

This exercise is danced alone without a partner (Absolute Pattern). Have the men and women participate in learning both the Man's part and the Woman's part. It makes much better leaders and followers if the dancers understand each others parts.


Absolute Pattern: Danced Alone.

PATTERN - Even, Odd, Odd

              1     2	    3   &   4       5   &   6	
         [    X     X] [    X   X   X] [    /   X   /]
M:Foot        L     R       L   R   L       R   R   L
M:Dir         B     F       T   T   T       kf  b   sl  <-- sl = slap
M:F-Pos       4     4       1   1   1       4   4   4
M:Turn                      >.....1/2 Lt....>

W:Foot        R     L       R   L   R       L   L   R
W:Dir         F     F       s   X   S       kf  b   sl  <- X means cross in front
W:F-Pos       4     4       2   X   2       4   4   4 
W:Turn              >.1/4 Lt>       >.1/4 Lt>

Verbal: [step step] [step three times] [kick step slap]

Verbal: [1 2] [3 & 4] [5 & 6]


Everyone use both verbals.


If you find ladies crossing in back instead of the front you will normally find they have over turned between counts 2 and 3. That is, they will be doing greater than 1/4 Lt which will prevent them from crossing in front.

E X E R C I S E (Left Side Pass) - Adjusted Pattern - Music

This exercise is danced with a partner (Adjusted Pattern). The man keeps his Left Hand at waist level, moving it straight down the slot. He does not pull the woman down the slot - she must go under her own power. The woman goes straight down the slot directly through the position where the man was at the beginning of the Step Pattern. He clears the slot by stepping toward his Right Rail on counts [1 2] so the woman can have room to pass - after which he returns to center Slot.


Frame: Open Position - M: Lh Lead.


Repeat the previous pattern


Everyone use both verbals.