Lindy Hop

Swing Out from Closed Position
(AKA: Lindy Throw Out)

The step pattern starts off in Closed Position. Both dancers do a normal Rock, Step on counts "1 2," after which the leader starts turning Rt and ending up, in the slot, directly in front of the follower by count "4." The follower will also have their Rt foot placed between the leader's feet on count "4."



8 Beat Rhythm Patterns
Introduce 8 beat Rhythm Pattern using Rhythm Unit Cards.


Pattern (Cards): Double, Triple, Double, Triple.

Swing Out Step Pattern: Demonstrate the step pattern.

E X E R C I S E - Absolute Pattern - No Music

Have students exercise the Absolute Patterns until it looks like they understand the them. Please be aware that the most critical part of this Step Pattern are counts [3 & 4][5 & 6]. It is highly recommended that all students practice both the leader's and follower's part.

PATTERN: Even, Odd, Even, Odd

Count:       1     2       3  &  4       5  &  6       7  &  8	
         [   X     X]  [   X  X  X]  [   X     X]  [   X  X  X]
L:Foot       L     R       L  R  L       R     L       R  L  R
L:Dir        B     P       S  T  s       Hk    B       T  T  T  
L:F-Pos      4     4       2  1  2             4       1  1  1
L:Turn              .....*> ....*> .....*> ...*>                      * = 1/4Rt (CW)

F:Foot       R     L       R  L  R       L     R       L  R  L
F:Dir        B     P       T  T  f       S     B       b  T  f
F:F-Pos      4     4       1  1  4       2     4       4  1  4
F:Turn                            ......*> ...*>

Verbal: [1 2][3 & 4] [5 6] [7 & 8]

E X E R C I S E - Adjusted Pattern - With or without Music

If necessary, the Dancers can completely stop on certain counts to make sure their Adjusted Pattern reflects what they learned in their Absolute Pattern.


Frame: Open Position - M: Lh Lead.

PATTERN: Even, Odd, Even, Odd

Practice to the previously defined pattern, but with a partner.


The follower's path will be directly through the leader. The leader will use the Rails to clear the Slot for the follower.
Leader Rh catch follower on count 3, but don't stop the follower's rubber band effect.
Count "4"
The follower's right foot will be between the leader's feet. Both leader & follower will be facing each other in the direction of the slot.
Between Counts "4 & 5"
Both leader and follower will do a 1/4 Rt turn.
Count "5"
The leader will Hk back with the right foot and the follower will step left foot to the side.
Between Counts "5 & 6"
Both dancers will turn another 1/4 Rt turn.
Count "6"
The leader and follower will both step back in the slot - leader with left foot and follower with right foot.
Counts "7 & 8"
Both dancers execute their anchor