Classic West Coast Swing

Push Break

Ok, so what's a Push Break? It is kin to the Sugar Push, but in the Sugar Push you do a Delayed Single Rhythm Unit [touch step] on counts [3 4] where the Push Break uses a Triple Rhythm Unit [step three times] on counts [3 & 4]. Also, the original Sugar Push had the follower doing what are called Sugars on counts [1 2].


(Compression Resistance Exercise - Stationary) - Music

This exercise helps train both the Leader and Follower to use equal compression on counts [3 & 4]. If either has Spaghetti Arms, then they will crash into each other. Also, if either dancer uses more resistance than the other, the pattern will not execute smoothly. Their hands should remain in contact throughout the entire exercise.


"&a3": Compression Resistance - CPB's move toward each other.

"&a4": Compression Resistance - CBP's move away from each other.


Open Position - 2-Hand Lead - Hands Up, Palm to Palm .
L & F
Standing on both feet.


	 & a 3 & a 4		
	Stand on both feet

Verbal: [&-a-forward &-a-back]

E X E R C I S E (Push Break - Hands Up) - Music

There are several reasons behind this exercise: (1) It allows the Leader a very slight tension lead on counts [1 2] with his little fingers, but prevents the Leader from using any force. (2) It forces the Follower to move under their own power without pulling into the Leader. (3) It also requires both Leader and Follower to use equal compression on counts [&a3 &a4].


Frame: Open Position - 2-Hand Lead - Hands Up, Palm to Palm, with the Leader's little fingers wrapped around the outside of the Follower's hand.


             1     2       3  &  4       5  &   6	
        [    X     X] [    X  X  X] [    X  X  X]
L:Foot       L     R       L  R  L       R  L  R
L:Dir        B     T       T  T  F       T  T  T  
L:F-Pos      4     1       1  1  4       3  3  3

F:Foot       R     L       R  L  R       L  R  L
F:Dir        F     F       T  T  B       T  T  T
F:F-Pos      4     4       1  1  4       3  3  3

Verbal: [step step] [step three times] [step three times]

Verbal: [1 2] [3 & 4] [5 & 6]


"&a3": Compression Resistance - CPB's move toward each other.

"&a4": Compression Resistance - CBP's move away from each other.

"Spaghetti Arms": NOT.

E X E R C I S E (Push Break - Normal 2 Hand Lead) - Music

Now we finally get to doing a real Push Break. Keep in mind this is a learning exercise. After the dancers get use to doing a Push Break, the man will shorten up his footwork on counts [1 2] to where he hardly moves at all. To teach the Leader that technique from the beginning will do nothing but lengthen the learning process and cause a great deal of confusion.


Frame Open Position - 2-Hand Lead.


Same as previous exercise, but using a normal 2 Hand Lead.

E X E R C I S E (Push Break "EXIT")

This exercise will teach the man how to exit the Push Break and get ready for another pattern.


Same as previous exercises but dropping L:Rh after beat 4 - leaving dancers in Open Position with a One Hand Lead.