
Closed Basic Entry Patterns

We will define two different methods of entering into the Closed Basic Pattern. First will be from Closed Position. Second will be from Open Position. In both cases the dancers will be facing each other.


Rhythm Unit Cards: Double, S-Triple, Triple.

Method 1: Entry From Closed Position

E X E R C I S E - Absolute Pattern - No Music


Man: Facing in the direction of the slot (in the direction where the Woman would be) in 4th foot position, with his CPB over his Rt Foot (Lt Foot Back).

Woman: Facing in the direction of the slot in 4th Foot Position, with her CPB over her Lt Foot (which is forward).

Absolute Pattern: Danced Alone.
Have the man and woman practice their respective Absolute Patterns by themselves.


              1     2     &  3    4     5  &  6	
           [  X     X]   [x  X    X] [  X  x  X]
M:Foot        L     R     L  R    L     R  L  R
M:Dir	      F     S     S  Pl   F     S  S  Pl
M:F-Pos       4     2     2  2    4     2  2  2
M:Turn                       1/4LT>

W:Foot        R     L     R  L    R     L  R  L
W:Dir         B     B     B  Pl   B     B  B  Pl
W:F-Pos       4     4     4  4    4     4  4  4
W:Turn                       1/2LT>

Verbal: [1 2] [& 3 4] [5 & 6]


You may have noticed that this is the same as the regular Closed Basic, but without the first 1/2Lt for the Man and Woman.

E X E R C I S E (Entry From Closed Position) - Adjusted Pattern - Music

Execute the prvious pattern with a partner.


The Man & Woman shall be in Closed Position (facing each other). The Man's Rt Hand shall be on the Woman's shoulder blade with his finger tips just about touching her spine. The Woman's Lt Hand shall be on top of the Man's Rt Shoulder. The Man's Lt Hand and Woman's Rt Hand shall be palm-to-palm as it would be in normal ballroom Closed Position.


Execute the previous pattern with a partner.


Man's Turn Prior To Count 4: As the man turns left on his weighted Rt Foot, he moves his Lt Foot across in front of his Rt Foot and takes a short Forward step with his Lt Foot into 4th Foot Position, stepping between the Woman's feet. As he is making his 1/4 Lt Turn, it must be short, since the Woman is also making a 1/2 Lt Turn to end up in front of him.


One of the biggest problems is that, in the beginning, the man is not making a good Rt Angle (90 degrees) with the woman and ending up with a good 2nd Foot Position stance on count 6.

Another major problem, in the beginning, is the man is taking too long a step on count 4. Remember, the Woman has to make a full half turn and step back on count 4. If the man takes too long a step, it will be impossible for the woman to get around in front of him.

Method 2: Entry From Open Position

E X E R C I S E - Absolute Pattern - No Music


Man: Facing in the direction of the slot (in the direction where the Woman would be) in 4th foot position, with his CPB over his Rt Foot (Lt Foot Back).

Woman: Facing in the direction of the slot in 4th Foot Position, with her CPB over her Lt Foot (which is forward).

Absolute Pattern: Danced Alone.
Have the man and woman practice their respective Absolute Patterns by themselves.


              1     2     &  3    4     5  &  6	
           [  X     X]   [x  X    X] [  X  x  X]
M:Foot        L     R     L  R    L     R  L  R
M:Dir	      F     S     S  Pl   F     S  S  Pl
M:F-Pos       4     2     2  2    4     2  2  2
M:Turn                       1/4LT>

W:Foot        R     L     R  L    R     L  R  L
W:Dir         F     B     B  Pl   B     B  B  Pl
W:F-Pos       4     4     4  4    4     4  4  4
W:Turn                       1/2LT>

Verbal: [1 2] [& 3 4] [5 & 6]


Please note that the Woman steps forward on count 1 then back on count2.

E X E R C I S E (Entry From Open Position) - Adjusted Pattern - Music

Execute the prvious pattern with a partner.


The Man & Woman shall be in Open Position (facing each other). This shall require a two hand lead on count 1 with the Man moving into Closed Position on count 2.


Execute the previous pattern with a partner.


Man's Turn Prior To Count 4: As the man turns left on his weighted Rt Foot, he moves his Lt Foot across in front of his Rt Foot and takes a short Forward step with his Lt Foot into 4th Foot Position, stepping between the Woman's feet. As he is making his 1/4 Lt Turn, it must be short, since the Woman is also making a 1/2 Lt Turn to end up in front of him.


One of the biggest problems is that, in the beginning, the man is not making a good Rt Angle (90 degrees) with the woman and ending up with a good 2nd Foot Position stance on count 6.

Another major problem, in the beginning, is the man is taking too long a step on count 4. Remember, the Woman has to make a full half turn and step back on count 4. If the man takes too long a step, it will be impossible for the woman to get around in front of him.